Superlok O Ring Straight Thread Connector SOSC

Superlok O Ring Straight Thread Connector (SOSC)
Ensuring Leak-Free Precision with SOSC Straight Thread Connectors
The Superlok O Ring Straight Thread Connector, often abbreviated as SOSC, is a specialized component used in various piping and tubing systems. This connector plays a vital role in creating a secure and leak-free connection between tubing or pipes with straight threads and the inclusion of O-ring seals. It is commonly employed in a wide range of industries where precision and reliable connections are critical for the efficient conveyance of fluids or gases within piping systems.
Connect Female Tube To Female Straight Thread

Mounting For O Seal Connector

Installation Instruction:
In order to prevent leakage with SUPERLOK O-Seal Fittings, the surface perpendicular to the axis of the thread should be flat. When installing an O-Seal fitting, turn it until finger-tight. (The squeeze on O-Ring can be felt during the last 1/4 turn). After finger-tight installation, snug lightly with a wrench.
When connecting the tubing to the SUPERLOK connector, always use a back-up wrench on the O-Seal fitting hex so it does not turn while the nut is being tightened. Also use a back-up wrench when disconnecting a tubing connection.
For a raised surface, such as Figure 1, it is recommended that the flat surface have a diameter at least as large as dimension “A” for the various size O-Seal fittings. This diameter is sufficient to allow metal-to-metal contact outside of the O-Ring sealing diameter and to prevent O-Ring extrusion at high pressure.
Figure 2 is an O-Seal fitting using with a counter bored or recessed hole. In this case, the diameter “B” is sufficient to allow the round shoulder of the O-seal to clear for proper installation. “D” gives the maximum depth that can be used with this diameter.
Figure 3 shows the usage at deeper grooved or concaved area and “E” is the maximum depth that will allow a thin wrench(1/8″)to hold the O-Seal fitting while the SUPERLOK connection is made to the tubing. The diameter “C” is sufficient to allow the hex of the fitting to turn in the recessed hole.
Industry Leaders Using Superlok